* Visited KVK promoted Betelvine RTS unit of Mr.Renuga Senthilvel, brand name is Mr Green, M/S Sri Sai Sakthi Foods.
* She has participated in FLD programme on Demonstration of Multipurpose Processing Machine during 2022-23. After our interventions, she has started betelvine RTS in small level using KVK incubation center and standardized the drink.
* Currently, she has established betelvine RTS unit on 29.1.2025 with the continuous technical and handholding support (licensing, branding, packaging, labelling) of KVK and financial assistance of Rs. 14,30,000/- under PMFME scheme from District Industries Center, Theni.
* Provided advisories on zero waste concept to prepare betelvine mouth freshener using betelvine pomace. Instructed to take order in hotels, supermarkets and colleges.