Diagnostic field visit

Diagnostic field visit

Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 4:30 pm
Location: Sankarapuram village, Bodi Block

Event Details:   

1. Field visit was made to Redgram and Coconut crop at Sankarapuram village Bodi block.

2. We have identified micronutrient deficiency and Bud rot problem in this visit.

3. We have recommended following advisory services. Micronutrient deficiency problem - foliar application of 0.5 % MN mixture, Pod borer incidence - Quinalphos 25 EC @ 2 ml/lit, Bud rot problem - Spraying of 0.25% Copper oxychloride or 1 % Bordeaux mixture on the crown of the neighbouring palms as a prophylactic measure before the onset of monsoon.