Entrepreneurs Meet

Entrepreneurs Meet

Date: July 20, 2024
Time: 10:30 am
Location: KVK premises

Event Details:   

. Organized Monthly Entrepreneurs meet at KVK Premises.
• Inaugural address was given by Mr.P.Maheswaran, Program Co-ordinator (i/c), KVK Theni and highlighted the importance of conducting the entrepreneurs meet and its benefits.
• The meet was presided over by Dr.P.Patchaimal, Chairman, KVK Theni and highlighted the role of KVK in entrepreneurship development.
• The Special address was given by Dr.S.Arokiamary, Associate Professor, TNAU-CSC&RI, Madurai. Handled a technical session on importance and post-harvest management techniques and value addition.
• Mr.P.Srimurugan, Financial Literacy Counsellor (FLC), Canara Bank, Theni has explained state and central schemes for startups.
• Technical session on recent trends in food processing and packaging techniques by Mrs.M.Ramyasivaselvi, SMS (Home Science), KVK Theni.
• Exhibited our Entrepreneurs products like Biofortified pearl millet, Grapes by products, Mushroom value added products, Millets Instant Mixes, Mango by products, Nutri mixes, Spice and masala powders, Guava by products, lemon concentrate, Lemon and garlic instant chutney, pickles, honey, herbal soaps, herbal shampoo, herbal hair oil, aloevera gel and panchagavya lamp.