Organized Entrepreneurs Meet to provide continuous technical and handholding support
• Presidential address was given by Dr.P.Sivaram, DD, CENDECT, Theni
• Special addresses were given by Mr.B.Ganesan, Supervisor, Regulated Market, Chinnamanur, Mr.B.Balamuralikrishnan, Mandy Analyst, Regulated Market, Chinnamanur and Mr.P.Saravanan, AAO (Agri-Business), Chinnamanur Block.
• Technical session was handled by Mrs.M.Ramyasivaselvi, SMS (Home Science), KVK Theni
• The following topics were covered during the meet
Recent post-harvest and value-addition technologies in locally available agricultural and horticultural produces
AGMARK registration procedures and its importance
e NAM registration and its benefits
State and central schemes for startups
• Sharing of success stories of KVK the promoted entrepreneurs
• Exposure visit was arranged to KVK food processing unit
• Exhibited the byproducts of our entrepreneurs i.e., Betel vine juice, Millets RTU Mixes, Dry Grapes, Cooking oils, Herbal products, Masala products and banana fiber handicrafts.